Brand Strategy Silver Creek Imaging

A brand identity and website that effectively showcases high-quality services and a unique brand personality.


My brand development strategy for Silver Creek Imaging was centered on creating a brand that would convey a sense of trust, professionalism, and creativity. I created a brand identity that emphasizes the high quality of Silver Creek Imaging’s services, while also being visually engaging and approachable. The logo suite and brand guidelines were designed to convey a sense of adventure by incorporating playful and creative elements to appeal to their target audience.

In addition, I developed messaging and a tone of voice that communicates Silver Creek Imaging’s commitment to delivering exceptional service, while also showcasing their creativity and passion for their craft. The end result was a cohesive and effective visual identity that positioned Silver Creek Imaging as a trusted and reliable partner for videography and photography services, and communicated their brand message clearly to their target audience.

Brand Guidelines


To develop the logo suite and brand guidelines for Silver Creek Imaging, I started by researching their industry and competition, as well as the preferences of their target audience. Using this research, I created several initial logo concepts that were presented to the client for review and feedback. Based on their input, I refined and iterated on the chosen concept to create a final logo suite that accurately reflected their brand values and messaging.

This logo suite included a primary logo, variations for different use cases, and a color palette and typography selection that conveyed the desired brand personality. From there, I created brand guidelines that outlined the logo usage guidelines, typography specifications, and color palette, as well as guidelines for imagery, tone of voice, and messaging. These guidelines ensure consistency across all brand touchpoints and help to establish Silver Creek Imaging as a professional and reliable brand in their industry.

Brand Story

Logo Suite

Color Palette





For the website build of Silver Creek Imaging, my strategy was focused on creating a visually engaging and user-friendly online presence that would effectively showcase their high-quality photography and videography services. To achieve this, I started by conducting a detailed analysis of their target audience, as well as their competitors, to gain insights into what features and functionalities would be most effective in engaging and converting their audience. Using this research, I developed a site map and wireframes that prioritized the key areas of their website, such as their portfolio, services, and contact page, and emphasized ease of use and accessibility.

From there, I designed a custom website that incorporated their new branding and visual identity, using high-quality imagery and engaging copy to effectively communicate their value proposition and unique brand message. The result was a modern, responsive, and user-friendly website that positioned Silver Creek Imaging as a leader in their industry and effectively showcased their unique services and brand personality.

UX/UI Design

WordPress Development

SEO Optimizations

Performance Tracking